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01/07/2002 Entry: "Pong"

An adaptation of the tennis game from Flash Games Studio (FGS). I build in the levels, which make it more fun to play. Well, for me anyway. Haven't gotten above level 6 yet, curious how far people actually get. A couple of things could be different: the serve is always from the same position and not by a user action. Think i'll tackle that problem in a break out game. Not described in FGS, but the physics are about the same.

Its a wonderful feeling, getting a grip on this stuff. OK, its old boring games, but i gotta start somewhere. Its fascinating all the same!

Equally fascinating: (Dutch only sofar).

Replies: comments(2)

pong is koel

Posted by bobje @ 01-08-2002 06:56 PM CET

drifter is koel

Posted by ellen @ 01-08-2002 09:44 PM CET

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